§ 10-1-118. Changing the name of a municipality.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A municipality may change its name as provided in this section.
    (2) To initiate a name change, the legislative body of a municipality shall:
    (a) adopt an ordinance or resolution approving a name change; and
    (b) file with the lieutenant governor a copy of a notice of an impending name change, as defined in Section 67-1a-6.7, that meets the requirements of Subsection 67-1a-6.7(3).
    (3) Upon the lieutenant governor's issuance of a certificate of name change under Section 67-1a-6.7, the municipal legislative body shall:
    (a) if the municipality is located within the boundary of a single county, submit to the recorder of that county:
    (i) the original:
    (A) notice of an impending name change; and
    (B) certificate of name change; and
    (ii) a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution approving the name change; or
    (b) if the municipality is located within the boundaries of more than a single county:
    (i) submit to the recorder of one of those counties:
    (A) the original of the documents listed in Subsections (3)(a)(i)(A) and (B); and
    (B) a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution approving the name change; and
    (ii) submit to the recorder of each other county:
    (A) a certified copy of the documents described in Subsections (3)(a)(i)(A) and (B); and
    (B) a certified copy of the ordinance or resolution approving the name change.
    (a) The name change becomes effective upon the lieutenant governor's issuance of a certificate of name change under Section 67-1a-6.7.
    (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), the municipality may not operate under the new name until the documents listed in Subsection (3) are recorded in the office of the recorder of each county in which the municipality is located.
Amended by Chapter 350, 2009 General Session