§ 10-8-41. Prostitution, lewd or perverted acts, gambling, and obscene or lewd publications.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Boards of commissioners and city councils of cities may suppress and prohibit the keeping of disorderly houses, houses of ill fame or assignation, or houses kept by, maintained for, or resorted to or used by, one or more persons for acts of perversion, lewdness, or prostitution within the limits of the city and within three miles of the outer boundaries thereof, and may prohibit resorting thereto for any of the purposes aforesaid; they may also make it unlawful for any person to commit or offer or agree to commit an act of sexual intercourse for hire, lewdness, or moral perversion within the city, or for any person to secure, induce, procure, offer, or transport to any place within the city any person for the purpose of committing an act of sexual intercourse for hire, lewdness, or moral perversion, or for any person to receive or direct or offer or agree to receive or direct any person into any place or building within the city for the purpose of committing an act of sexual intercourse for hire, lewdness, or moral perversion, or for any person to aid, abet, or participate in the commission of any of the foregoing; and they may also suppress and prohibit gambling houses and gambling, lotteries and all fraudulent devices and practices, and all kinds of gaming, playing at dice or cards, and other games of chance, and the sale, distribution, or exhibition of obscene or lewd publications, prints, pictures, or illustrations.
    (a) A woman's breast feeding, including breast feeding in any place where the woman otherwise may rightfully be, does not under any circumstance constitute an obscene or lewd act, irrespective of whether or not the breast is covered during or incidental to feeding.
    (b) Boards of commissioners and city councils of cities may not prohibit a woman's breast feeding in any location where she otherwise may rightfully be, irrespective of whether the breast is uncovered during or incidental to the breast feeding.
Amended by Chapter 131, 1995 General Session