§ 11-13-203.5. Powers, immunities, and privileges of law enforcement officers under an agreement for law enforcement -- Requirements for officers.  

Latest version.
  • (1) While performing duties under an agreement for law enforcement services under Subsection 11-13-202(1)(d), whether inside or outside the law enforcement officer's own jurisdiction, each law enforcement officer shall possess:
    (a) all law enforcement powers that the officer possesses within the officer's own jurisdiction, including the power to arrest; and
    (b) the same immunities and privileges as if the duties were performed within the officer's own jurisdiction.
    (2) Each agreement between a Utah public agency and an out-of-state public agency under Subsection 11-13-202(1)(d) providing for reciprocal law enforcement services shall require each person from the other state assigned to law enforcement duty in this state:
    (a) to be certified as a peace officer in the state of the out-of-state public agency; and
    (b) to apply to the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, created in Section 53-6-106, for recognition before undertaking duties in this state under the agreement.
Enacted by Chapter 38, 2003 General Session