§ 11-14-202. Notice of election -- Contents -- Publication -- Mailing. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1) The governing body shall ensure that notice of the election is provided:
    (a) once per week during three consecutive weeks by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the local political subdivision in accordance with Section 11-14-316, the first publication occurring not less than 21 nor more than 35 days before the election;
    (b) on a website, if available, in accordance with Section 45-1-101 for the three weeks that immediately precede the election; and
    (c) in a local political subdivision where there is no newspaper of general circulation, by posting notice of the bond election in at least five public places in the local political subdivision at least 21 days before the election.
    (2) When the debt service on the bonds to be issued will increase the property tax imposed upon the average value of a residence by an amount that is greater than or equal to $15 per year, the governing body shall prepare and mail either a voter information pamphlet or a notification described in Subsection (6):
    (a) at least 15 days but not more than 45 days before the bond election;
    (b) to each household containing a registered voter who is eligible to vote on the bonds; and
    (c) that includes the information required by Subsections (3) and (4).
    (3) The notice and voter information pamphlet required by this section shall include:
    (a) the date and place of the election;
    (b) the hours during which the polls will be open; and
    (c) the title and text of the ballot proposition.
    (4) The voter information pamphlet required by this section shall include:
    (a) the information required by Subsection (3); and
    (b) an explanation of the property tax impact, if any, of the issuance of the bonds, which may be based on information the governing body determines to be useful, including:
    (i) expected debt service on the bonds to be issued;
    (ii) a description of the purpose, remaining principal balance, and maturity date of any outstanding general obligation bonds of the issuer;
    (iii) funds other than property taxes available to pay debt service on general obligation bonds;
    (iv) timing of expenditures of bond proceeds;
    (v) property values; and
    (vi) any additional information that the governing body determines may be useful to explain the property tax impact of issuance of the bonds.
    (5) The governing body shall pay the costs associated with the notice required by this section.
    (a) The governing body may mail a notice printed on a postage prepaid, preaddressed return form that a person may use to request delivery of a voter information pamphlet by mail.
    (b) The notice described in Subsection (6)(a) shall include:
    (i) the website upon which the voter information pamphlet is available; and
    (ii) the phone number a voter may call to request delivery of a voter information pamphlet by mail.
    (7) A local school board shall comply with the voter information pamphlet requirements described in Section 53A-18-102.
Amended by Chapter 325, 2014 General Session