§ 11-14-204. Challenges to voter qualifications.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Any person's qualifications to vote at a bond election may be challenged according to the procedures and requirements of Sections 20A-3-105.5 and 20A-3-202.
    (2) A bond election may not be invalidated on the grounds that ineligible voters voted unless:
    (a) it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that ineligible voters voted in sufficient numbers to change the result of the bond election; and
    (b) the complaint is filed before the expiration of the time period permitted for contests in Subsection 20A-4-403(3).
    (3) The votes cast by the voters shall be accepted as having been legally cast for purposes of determining the outcome of the election, unless the court in a bond election contest finds otherwise.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 105, 2005 General Session