§ 11-49-702. Record -- Recording of meetings.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), an individual may not use a camera or other recording device in a meeting authorized by this part.
    (i) The commission shall keep an audio or video recording of all portions of each meeting authorized by this part.
    (ii) The commission may, by a majority vote of the commission, permit a camera or other recording device in the meeting in which the commission releases the commission's recommendation under this part.
    (2) In addition to the recording required in Subsection (1), the chair shall ensure that a record of the meeting or hearing is made, which shall include:
    (a) official minutes taken during the meeting or hearing, if any;
    (b) copies of all documents or other items admitted into evidence by the commission;
    (c) copies of a document or written order or ruling issued by the chair or the commission; and
    (d) any other information that a majority of the commission or the chair directs.
Enacted by Chapter 202, 2012 General Session