§ 13-32a-107. Deadline for registers to be electronic -- Notice for updating.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) On and after January 1, 2005, each pawn and secondhand business in the state that generates 10 or more pawn transactions per month or 50 or more sales transactions per month shall maintain the register in an electronic format that is compatible with the central database computer system.
    (b) On and after January 1, 2011, each pawn and secondhand business in the state shall maintain the register in an electronic format that is compatible with the central database computer system.
    (i) On and after January 15, 2005, pawn and secondhand businesses under Subsection (1)(a) are subject to an administrative fine of $50 a day for each daily report required under Section 13-32a-106 that is submitted as a written report rather than electronically.
    (ii) On and after January 1, 2011, pawn and secondhand businesses under Subsection (1)(b) are subject to an administrative fine of $50 a day for each daily report required under Section 13-32a-106 that is submitted as a written report rather than electronically.
    (b) Fines imposed under this section shall be paid to the division, which shall deposit the fines in the account.
    (3) The operators of the central database shall establish written procedures in conjunction with the Pawnshop and Secondhand Merchandise Advisory Board to ensure that when the central database is upgraded, the affected pawn and secondhand businesses will receive adequate notice, information, and time to upgrade their computer systems so the systems are compatible with the upgraded central database.
Amended by Chapter 167, 2010 General Session