§ 17-22-8. Care of prisoners -- Funding of services -- Private contractor.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the sheriff shall:
    (a) receive all persons committed to jail by competent authority;
    (b) provide them with necessary food, clothing, and bedding in the manner prescribed by the county legislative body; and
    (c) provide medical care when:
    (i) the person's symptoms evidence a serious disease or injury;
    (ii) the person's disease or injury is curable or may be substantially alleviated; and
    (iii) the potential for harm to the person by reason of delay or the denial of medical care would be substantial.
    (2) The expense incurred in providing these services to prisoners shall be paid from the county treasury, except as provided in Section 17-22-10.
    (3) If the county executive contracts with a private contractor to provide the services required by this section, the sheriff shall provide only those services required of him by the contract between the county and the private contractor.
Amended by Chapter 64, 2011 General Session