§ 17-27a-407. Effect of official maps.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Counties may adopt an official map.
    (a) An official map does not:
    (i) require a landowner to dedicate and construct a street as a condition of development approval, except under circumstances provided in Subsection (2)(b)(iii); or
    (ii) require a county to immediately acquire property it has designated for eventual use as a public street.
    (b) This section does not prohibit a county from:
    (i) recommending that an applicant consider and accommodate the location of the proposed streets in the planning of a development proposal in a manner that is consistent with Section 17-27a-507;
    (ii) acquiring the property through purchase, gift, voluntary dedication, or eminent domain; or
    (iii) requiring the dedication and improvement of a street if the street is found necessary by the county because of a proposed development and if the dedication and improvement is consistent with Section 17-27a-507.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 254, 2005 General Session