§ 17-3-1. By petition -- Election -- Ballots.  

Latest version.
  •      Whenever any number of the qualified electors of any portion of any county desire to have the territory within which they reside created into a new county they may file a petition for the creation of a new county with the county legislative body of the county in which they reside. The petition shall be signed by at least one-fourth of the qualified electors as shown by the registration list of the last preceding general election, residing in that portion of the county to be created into a new county, and by not less than one-fourth of the qualified electors residing in the remaining portion of the county. The petition shall be presented on or before the first Monday in May of any year, and shall propose the name and define the boundaries of the new county. The county legislative body shall cause the proposition to be submitted to the legal voters residing in the county at a special election to be held according to the dates established in Section 20A-1-204, first causing 30 days' notice of the election to be given in the manner provided by law for giving notice of general elections. The election shall be held, the result canvassed, and returns made under the provisions of the general election laws. The form of ballot to be used at such election shall be:
         For the creation of (supplying the name proposed) county.
         Against the creation of (supplying the name proposed) county.
Amended by Chapter 297, 2011 General Session