§ 17-50-322. County funding for a fixed guideway.  

Latest version.
  • (1) For purposes of this section, "fixed guideway" means a public transit facility that uses and occupies:
    (a) rail for the use of public transit; or
    (b) a separate right-of-way for the use of public transit.
    (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a county legislative body may not levy a property tax or expend revenues from uniform fees or any tax or fee imposed in lieu of a property tax, to purchase, erect, repair, rebuild, maintain, or otherwise fund a fixed guideway.
    (b) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply to a property tax levy imposed by a county for the purpose of paying for bonds if:
    (i) before January 1, 2007, the bonds were issued or approved by voters for issuance to fund a fixed guideway; and
    (ii) the county does not impose a sales and use tax authorized by Section 59-12-2217.
Amended by Chapter 263, 2010 General Session