§ 17C-2-302. Blight hearing -- Owners may review evidence of blight.  

Latest version.
  • (1) In each hearing required under Subsection 17C-2-102(1)(a)(i)(C), the agency shall:
    (a) permit all evidence of the existence or nonexistence of blight within the proposed urban renewal project area to be presented; and
    (b) permit each record owner of property located within the proposed urban renewal project area or the record property owner's representative the opportunity to:
    (i) examine and cross-examine witnesses providing evidence of the existence or nonexistence of blight; and
    (ii) present evidence and testimony, including expert testimony, concerning the existence or nonexistence of blight.
    (2) The agency shall allow record owners of property located within a proposed urban renewal project area the opportunity, for at least 30 days before the hearing, to review the evidence of blight compiled by the agency or by the person or firm conducting the blight study for the agency, including any expert report.
Amended by Chapter 364, 2007 General Session