§ 17D-1-203. Initiating the process to create a special service district.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The process to create a special service district is initiated by:
    (a) the legislative body of a county or municipality that proposes to create a special service district adopting a resolution that:
    (i) declares that the public health, convenience, and necessity require the creation of a special service district;
    (ii) indicates the legislative body's intent to create a special service district; and
    (iii) complies with the requirements of Subsection (3); or
    (b) the filing of a petition that:
    (i) proposes the creation of a special service district;
    (ii) complies with the requirements of Subsections (2) and (3); and
    (iii) is filed with the legislative body of the county or municipality in whose boundary the proposed special service district is located.
    (2) Each petition under Subsection (1)(b) shall:
    (a) be signed by:
    (i) the owners of at least 10% of the taxable value of taxable property within the proposed special service district; or
    (ii) at least 10% of the registered voters residing within the proposed special service district; and
    (b) indicate:
    (i) the residence address of each person who signs the petition; and
    (ii) if the person signs the petition as a property owner, the address or other description of the person's property sufficient to identify the property.
    (3) Each resolution under Subsection (1)(a) and petition under Subsection (1)(b) shall:
    (a) describe the boundaries of the proposed special service district;
    (b) specify each service that the special service district is proposed to provide; and
    (c) designate a name for the proposed special service district.
Enacted by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session