§ 20A-2-302. Voter registration forms for high school students.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) The county clerk may:
    (i) contact each high school and each accredited nonpublic high school in the county;
    (ii) determine the number of high school seniors; and
    (iii) distribute by-mail voter registration forms to each accredited public or private high school in an amount sufficient for distribution to each high school senior.
    (b) The county clerk shall keep on file the returned high school student by-mail voter registration forms until the applicant turns 18 years old and then register the applicant to vote.
    (2) Each public school and accredited nonpublic school may:
    (a) include the by-mail voter registration form in the senior registration packet; and
    (b) collect and forward completed by-mail voter registration forms to the county clerk.
Amended by Chapter 103, 2008 General Session