§ 20A-2-304.5. County clerk's responsibilities -- Updating voter registration.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A county clerk who receives notification from the lieutenant governor, as provided in Subsection 20A-2-109(1), of a change in a registered voter's principal place of residence or name may verify the change with the registered voter.
    (2) Unless the county clerk verifies that a change described in Subsection (1) is incorrect, the county clerk shall:
    (a) change the voter registration record to show the registered voter's current name and address; and
    (b) notify the registered voter of the change to the voter registration record.
    (a) If a voter does not vote in any election during the period beginning on the date of any regular general election and ending on the day after the date of the next regular general election and the county clerk has not sent the voter a notice described in Section 20A-2-306 during the period, the county clerk shall send to the voter a preaddressed return form in substantially the following form:     "VOTER REGISTRATION ADDRESS"
         To ensure the address on your voter registration is correct, please complete and return this form if your address has changed. What is your current street address?
    Street                    City                    County      State          ZIP
    Signature of Voter
    (b) The county clerk shall mail the form described in Subsection (3)(a) with a postal service that will notify the county clerk if the voter has changed the voter's address.
Amended by Chapter 52, 2012 General Session