§ 20A-4-201. Delivery of election returns.  

Latest version.
  • (1) One poll worker shall deliver the ballot box, the lock, and the key to:
    (a) the election officer; or
    (b) the location directed by the election officer.
    (a) Before they adjourn, the poll workers shall choose one or more of their number to deliver the election returns to the election officer.
    (b) That poll worker or those poll workers shall:
    (i) deliver the unopened envelopes or pouches to the election officer or counting center immediately but no later than 24 hours after the polls close; or
    (ii) if the polling place is 15 miles or more from the county seat, mail the election returns to the election officer by registered mail from the post office most convenient to the polling place within 24 hours after the polls close.
    (3) The election officer shall pay each poll worker reasonable compensation for travel that is necessary to deliver the election returns and to return to the polling place.
    (4) The requirements of this section do not prohibit transmission of the unofficial vote count to the counting center via electronic means, provided that reasonable security measures are taken to preserve the integrity and privacy of the transmission.
Amended by Chapter 297, 2011 General Session