§ 20A-7-101. Definitions.(Effective 1/1/2015)  

Latest version.
  •      As used in this chapter:
    (1) "Budget officer" means:
    (a) for a county, the person designated as budget officer in Section 17-19a-203;
    (b) for a city, the person designated as budget officer in Subsection 10-6-106(5); or
    (c) for a town, the town council.
    (2) "Certified" means that the county clerk has acknowledged a signature as being the signature of a registered voter.
    (3) "Circulation" means the process of submitting an initiative or referendum petition to legal voters for their signature.
    (4) "Final fiscal impact statement" means a financial statement prepared after voters approve an initiative that contains the information required by Subsection 20A-7-202.5(2) or 20A-7-502.5(2).
    (5) "Initial fiscal impact estimate" means:
    (a) a financial statement prepared under Section 20A-7-202.5 after the filing of an application for an initiative petition; or
    (b) a financial and legal statement prepared under Section 20A-7-502.5 or 20A-7-602.5 for an initiative or referendum petition.
    (6) "Initiative" means a new law proposed for adoption by the public as provided in this chapter.
    (7) "Initiative packet" means a copy of the initiative petition, a copy of the proposed law, and the signature sheets, all of which have been bound together as a unit.
    (8) "Legal signatures" means the number of signatures of legal voters that:
    (a) meet the numerical requirements of this chapter; and
    (b) have been certified and verified as provided in this chapter.
    (9) "Legal voter" means a person who:
    (a) is registered to vote; or
    (b) becomes registered to vote before the county clerk certifies the signatures on an initiative or referendum petition.
    (10) "Local attorney" means the county attorney, city attorney, or town attorney in whose jurisdiction a local initiative or referendum petition is circulated.
    (11) "Local clerk" means the county clerk, city recorder, or town clerk in whose jurisdiction a local initiative or referendum petition is circulated.
    (a) "Local law" includes an ordinance, resolution, master plan, and any comprehensive zoning regulation adopted by ordinance or resolution.
    (b) "Local law" does not include an individual property zoning decision.
    (13) "Local legislative body" means the legislative body of a county, city, or town.
    (14) "Local obligation law" means a local law passed by the local legislative body regarding a bond that was approved by a majority of qualified voters in an election.
    (15) "Local tax law" means a local law, passed by a political subdivision with an annual or biannual calendar fiscal year, that increases a tax or imposes a new tax.
    (16) "Measure" means a proposed constitutional amendment, an initiative, or referendum.
    (17) "Referendum" means a process by which a law passed by the Legislature or by a local legislative body is submitted or referred to the voters for their approval or rejection.
    (18) "Referendum packet" means a copy of the referendum petition, a copy of the law being submitted or referred to the voters for their approval or rejection, and the signature sheets, all of which have been bound together as a unit.
    (a) "Signature" means a holographic signature.
    (b) "Signature" does not mean an electronic signature.
    (20) "Signature sheets" means sheets in the form required by this chapter that are used to collect signatures in support of an initiative or referendum.
    (21) "Sponsors" means the legal voters who support the initiative or referendum and who sign the application for petition copies.
    (22) "Sufficient" means that the signatures submitted in support of an initiative or referendum petition have been certified and verified as required by this chapter.
    (23) "Verified" means acknowledged by the person circulating the petition as required in Sections 20A-7-205 and 20A-7-305.
Amended by Chapter 364, 2014 General Session
Amended by Chapter 396, 2014 General Session