§ 20A-7-701. Voter information pamphlet to be prepared.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The lieutenant governor shall cause to be printed a voter information pamphlet designed to inform the voters of the state of the content, effect, operation, fiscal impact, and the supporting and opposing arguments of any measure submitted to the voters by the Legislature or by a statewide initiative or referendum petition.
    (2) The pamphlet shall also include a separate section prepared, analyzed, and submitted by the Judicial Council describing the judicial selection and retention process.
    (3) The lieutenant governor shall cause to be printed as many voter information pamphlets as needed to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
    (4) Voter information pamphlets prepared in association with a local initiative or a local referendum shall be prepared in accordance with the procedures and requirements of Section 20A-7-402.
Amended by Chapter 225, 2008 General Session