Part 2. Statewide Initiatives  

§ 20A-7-201. Statewide initiatives -- Signature requirements -- Submission to the Legislature or to a vote of the people.
§ 20A-7-202. Statewide initiative process -- Application procedures -- Time to gather signatures -- Grounds for rejection.
§ 20A-7-202.5. Initial fiscal impact estimate -- Preparation of estimate -- Challenge to estimate.
§ 20A-7-203. Form of initiative petition and signature sheets. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 20A-7-204. Circulation requirements -- Lieutenant governor to provide sponsors with materials.
§ 20A-7-204.1. Public hearings to be held before initiative petitions are circulated -- Changes to an initiative and initial fiscal impact estimate.
§ 20A-7-205. Obtaining signatures -- Verification -- Removal of signature.
§ 20A-7-205.5. Initial disclosures -- Paid circulators.
§ 20A-7-206. Submitting the initiative petition -- Certification of signatures by the county clerks -- Transfer to lieutenant governor.
§ 20A-7-206.3. Verification of petition signatures.
§ 20A-7-207. Evaluation by the lieutenant governor.
§ 20A-7-208. Disposition of initiative petitions by the Legislature.
§ 20A-7-209. Ballot title -- Duties of lieutenant governor and Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel.
§ 20A-7-210. Form of ballot -- Manner of voting.
§ 20A-7-211. Return and canvass -- Conflicting measures -- Law effective on proclamation.
§ 20A-7-212. Effective date.
§ 20A-7-213. Misconduct of electors and officers -- Penalty.
§ 20A-7-214. Fiscal review -- Repeal, amendment, or resubmission.