§ 20A-9-408. Signature-gathering nomination process for qualified political party. (Effective 1/1/2015)  

Latest version.
  • (1) This section describes the requirements for a member of a qualified political party who is seeking the nomination of the qualified political party for an elective office through the signature-gathering nomination process described in this section.
    (2) Notwithstanding Subsection 20A-9-201(4)(a), the form of the declaration of candidacy for a member of a qualified political party who is nominated by, or who is seeking the nomination of, the qualified political party under this section shall be substantially as follows:
         "State of Utah, County of ____
         I, ______________, declare my intention of becoming a candidate for the office of ____ as a candidate for the ____ party. I do solemnly swear that: I will meet the qualifications to hold the office, both legally and constitutionally, if selected; I reside at _____________ in the City or Town of ____, Utah, Zip Code ____, Phone No. ____; I will not knowingly violate any law governing campaigns and elections; I will file all campaign financial disclosure reports as required by law; and I understand that failure to do so will result in my disqualification as a candidate for this office and removal of my name from the ballot. The mailing address that I designate for receiving official election notices is ___________________________________________________________________________
         Subscribed and sworn before me this __________(month\day\year). Notary Public (or other officer qualified to administer oath)."
    (3) Notwithstanding Subsection 20A-9-202(1)(a), and except as provided in Subsection 20A-9-202(4), a member of a qualified political party who, under this section, is seeking the nomination of the qualified political party for an elective office that is to be filled at the next general election shall:
    (a) within the period beginning on January 1 before the next regular general election and ending on the third Thursday in March of the same year, and before gathering signatures under this section, file with the filing officer on a form approved by the lieutenant governor a notice of intent to gather signatures for candidacy that includes:
    (i) the name of the member who will attempt to become a candidate for a registered political party under this section;
    (ii) the name of the registered political party for which the member is seeking nomination;
    (iii) the office for which the member is seeking to become a candidate;
    (iv) the address and telephone number of the member; and
    (v) other information required by the lieutenant governor;
    (b) file a declaration of candidacy, in person, with the filing officer on or after the second Friday in March and before 5 p.m. on the third Thursday in March before the next regular general election; and
    (c) pay the filing fee.
    (4) Notwithstanding Subsection 20A-9-202(2)(a), a member of a qualified political party who, under this section, is seeking the nomination of the qualified political party for the office of district attorney within a multicounty prosecution district that is to be filled at the next general election shall:
    (a) on or after January 1 before the next regular general election, and before gathering signatures under this section, file with the filing officer on a form approved by the lieutenant governor a notice of intent to gather signatures for candidacy that includes:
    (i) the name of the member who will attempt to become a candidate for a registered political party under this section;
    (ii) the name of the registered political party for which the member is seeking nomination;
    (iii) the office for which the member is seeking to become a candidate;
    (iv) the address and telephone number of the member; and
    (v) other information required by the lieutenant governor;
    (b) file a declaration of candidacy, in person, with the filing officer on or after the second Friday in March and before 5 p.m. on the third Thursday in March before the next regular general election; and
    (c) pay the filing fee.
    (5) Notwithstanding Subsection 20A-9-202(3)(a)(iii), a lieutenant governor candidate who files as the joint-ticket running mate of an individual who is nominated by a qualified political party, under this section, for the office of governor shall submit a letter from the candidate for governor that names the lieutenant governor candidate as a joint-ticket running mate.
    (6) The lieutenant governor shall ensure that the certification described in Subsection 20A-9-701(1) also includes the name of each candidate nominated by a qualified political party under this section.
    (7) Notwithstanding Subsection 20A-9-701(2), the ballot shall, for each candidate who is nominated by a qualified political party under this section, designate the qualified political party that nominated the candidate.
    (8) A member of a qualified political party may seek the nomination of the qualified political party for an elective office by:
    (a) complying with the requirements described in this section; and
    (b) collecting signatures, on a form approved by the lieutenant governor's office, during the period beginning on January 1 of an even-numbered year and ending 14 days before the day on which the qualified political party's convention for the office is held, in the following amounts:
    (i) for a statewide race, 28,000 signatures of registered voters in the state who are permitted by the qualified political party to vote for the qualified political party's candidates in a primary election;
    (ii) for a congressional district race, 7,000 signatures of registered voters who are residents of the congressional district and are permitted by the qualified political party to vote for the qualified political party's candidates in a primary election;
    (iii) for a state Senate district race, 2,000 signatures of registered voters who are residents of the state Senate district and are permitted by the qualified political party to vote for the qualified political party's candidates in a primary election;
    (iv) for a state House district race, 1,000 signatures of registered voters who are residents of the state House district and are permitted by the qualified political party to vote for the qualified political party's candidates in a primary election; and
    (v) for a county office race, signatures of 3% of the registered voters who are residents of the area permitted to vote for the county office and are permitted by the qualified political party to vote for the qualified political party's candidates in a primary election.
    (a) In order for a member of the qualified political party to qualify as a candidate for the qualified political party's nomination for an elective office under this section, the member shall:
    (i) collect the signatures on a form approved by the lieutenant governor's office, using the same circulation and verification requirements described in Sections 20A-7-304 and 20A-7-305; and
    (ii) submit the signatures to the election officer no later than 14 days before the day on which the qualified political party holds its convention to select candidates, for the elective office, for the qualified political party's nomination.
    (b) An individual may not gather signatures under this section until after the individual files a notice of intent to gather signatures for candidacy described in this section.
    (c) An individual who files a notice of intent to gather signatures for candidacy, described in Subsection (3)(a) or (4)(a), is, beginning on the day on which the individual files the notice of intent to gather signatures for candidacy:
    (i) required to comply with the reporting requirements that a candidate for office is required to comply with; and
    (ii) subject to the same enforcement provisions, and civil and criminal penalties, that apply to a candidate for office in relation to the reporting requirements described in Subsection (9)(c)(i).
    (d) Upon timely receipt of the signatures described in Subsections (8) and (9)(a), the election officer shall, no later than one day before the day on which the qualified political party holds the convention to select a nominee for the elective office to which the signature packets relate:
    (i) check the name of each individual who completes the verification for a signature packet to determine whether each individual is a resident of Utah and is at least 18 years old;
    (ii) submit the name of each individual described in Subsection (9)(d)(i) who is not a Utah resident or who is not at least 18 years old to the attorney general and the county attorney;
    (iii) determine whether each signer is a registered voter who is qualified to sign the petition, using the same method, described in Section 20A-7-206.3, used to verify a signature on a petition;
    (iv) certify whether each name is that of a registered voter who is qualified to sign the signature packet; and
    (v) notify the qualified political party and the lieutenant governor of the name of each member of the qualified political party who qualifies as a nominee of the qualified political party, under this section, for the elective office to which the convention relates.
    (e) Upon receipt of a notice of intent to gather signatures for candidacy described in this section, the lieutenant governor shall post the notice of intent to gather signatures for candidacy on the lieutenant governor's website in the same location that the lieutenant governor posts a declaration of candidacy.
Enacted by Chapter 17, 2014 General Session