Chapter 20. Enforcement - Violations and Penalties  

§ 23-20-1. Enforcement authority of conservation officers -- Seizure and disposition of property.
§ 23-20-1.5. Powers of law enforcement section -- Employees.
§ 23-20-2. Special deputies -- Appointment -- Duties.
§ 23-20-3. Taking, transporting, selling, or purchasing protected wildlife illegal except as authorized -- Penalty.
§ 23-20-3.5. Taking protected wildlife while trespassing -- Penalty.
§ 23-20-4. Wanton destruction of protected wildlife -- Penalties.
§ 23-20-4.5. Illegal taking, possession, or wanton destruction of protected wildlife -- Restitution -- Reimbursable damages -- Assessment by magistrates -- Disposition of money.
§ 23-20-4.7. Habitual wanton destruction of protected wildlife -- Third degree felony.
§ 23-20-8. Waste of wildlife unlawful.
§ 23-20-9. Donating protected wildlife.
§ 23-20-10. Butcher, locker or storage plant to require proper tag or donation slip.
§ 23-20-12. Airplanes or terrestrial or aquatic vehicles -- Use in taking wildlife unlawful -- Exceptions.
§ 23-20-13. Signs or equipment -- Damage or destruction unlawful.
§ 23-20-14. Definitions -- Posted property -- Hunting by permission -- Entry on private land while hunting or fishing -- Violations -- Penalty -- Prohibitions inapplicable to officers.
§ 23-20-15. Destruction of signs or inclosure on private land unlawful.
§ 23-20-16. Enforcement -- Procedure.
§ 23-20-18. Interference with, intimidation or harassment of officer unlawful.
§ 23-20-19. Failure to stop at road blocks or checking stations unlawful.
§ 23-20-20. Children accompanied by adults while hunting with weapon.
§ 23-20-23. Aiding or assisting violation unlawful.
§ 23-20-25. Exhibition of license, permit, tag or device required -- Misdemeanor.
§ 23-20-27. Alteration of license, permit, tag or certificate a misdemeanor.
§ 23-20-28. Search warrants.
§ 23-20-29. Interference with hunting prohibited -- Action to recover damages -- Exceptions.
§ 23-20-29.5. Interference with hunters or hunting activity -- Prosecution under criminal code.
§ 23-20-30. Tagging requirements.
§ 23-20-31. Requirement to wear hunter orange -- Exceptions.