§ 26-18-18. Optional Medicaid expansion.  

Latest version.
  • (1) For purposes of this section PPACA is as defined in Section 31A-1-301.
    (2) The department and the governor shall not expand the state's Medicaid program to the optional population under PPACA unless:
    (a) the Health Reform Task Force has completed a thorough analysis of a statewide charity care system;
    (b) the department and its contractors have:
    (i) completed a thorough analysis of the impact to the state of expanding the state's Medicaid program to optional populations under PPACA; and
    (ii) made the analysis conducted under Subsection (2)(b)(i) available to the public;
    (c) the governor or the governor's designee has reported the intention to expand the state Medicaid program under PPACA to the Legislature in compliance with the legislative review process in Sections 63M-1-2505.5 and 26-18-3; and
    (d) notwithstanding Subsection 63J-5-103(2), the governor submits the request for expansion of the Medicaid program for optional populations to the Legislature under the high impact federal funds request process required by Section 63J-5-204, Legislative review and approval of certain federal funds request.
Enacted by Chapter 477, 2013 General Session