§ 26-18a-3. Purpose of committee.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The committee shall work to:
    (a) provide financial assistance for initial medical expenses of children who need organ transplants;
    (b) obtain the assistance of volunteer and public service organizations; and
    (c) fund activities as the committee designates for the purpose of educating the public about the need for organ donors.
    (a) The committee is responsible for awarding financial assistance funded by the restricted account.
    (b) The financial assistance awarded by the committee under Subsection (1)(a) shall be in the form of interest free loans. The committee may establish terms for repayment of the loans, including a waiver of the requirement to repay any awards if, in the committee's judgment, repayment of the loan would impose an undue financial burden on the recipient.
    (c) In making financial awards under Subsection (1)(a), the committee shall consider:
    (i) need;
    (ii) coordination with or enhancement of existing services or financial assistance, including availability of insurance or other state aid;
    (iii) the success rate of the particular organ transplant procedure needed by the child; and
    (iv) the extent of the threat to the child's life without the organ transplant.
    (3) The committee may only provide the assistance described in this section to children who have resided in Utah, or whose legal guardians have resided in Utah for at least six months prior to the date of assistance under this section.
    (a) The committee may expend up to 5% of its annual appropriation for administrative costs associated with the allocation of funds from the restricted account.
    (b) The administrative costs shall be used for the costs associated with staffing the committee and for State Tax Commission costs in implementing Section 59-10-1308.
Amended by Chapter 167, 2013 General Session