§ 26-21-25. Patient identity protection.  

Latest version.
  • (1) As used in this section:
    (a) "EMTALA" means the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.
    (b) "Health professional office" means:
    (i) a physician's office; or
    (ii) a dental office.
    (c) "Medical facility" means:
    (i) a general acute hospital;
    (ii) a specialty hospital;
    (iii) a home health agency;
    (iv) a hospice;
    (v) a nursing care facility;
    (vi) a residential-assisted living facility;
    (vii) a birthing center;
    (viii) an ambulatory surgical facility;
    (ix) a small health care facility;
    (x) an abortion clinic;
    (xi) a facility owned or operated by a health maintenance organization;
    (xii) an end stage renal disease facility;
    (xiii) a health care clinic; or
    (xiv) any other health care facility that the committee designates by rule.
    (a) In order to discourage identity theft and health insurance fraud, and to reduce the risk of medical errors caused by incorrect medical records, a medical facility or a health professional office shall request identification from an individual prior to providing in-patient or out-patient services to the individual.
    (b) If the individual who will receive services from the medical facility or a health professional office lacks the legal capacity to consent to treatment, the medical facility or a health professional office shall request identification:
    (i) for the individual who lacks the legal capacity to consent to treatment; and
    (ii) from the individual who consents to treatment on behalf of the individual described in Subsection (2)(b)(i).
    (3) A medical facility or a health professional office:
    (a) that is subject to EMTALA:
    (i) may not refuse services to an individual on the basis that the individual did not provide identification when requested; and
    (ii) shall post notice in its emergency department that informs a patient of the patient's right to treatment for an emergency medical condition under EMTALA;
    (b) may not be penalized for failing to ask for identification;
    (c) is not subject to a private right of action for failing to ask for identification; and
    (d) may document or confirm patient identity by:
    (i) photograph;
    (ii) fingerprinting;
    (iii) palm scan; or
    (iv) other reasonable means.
    (4) The identification described in this section:
    (a) is intended to be used for medical records purposes only; and
    (b) shall be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
Amended by Chapter 218, 2010 General Session