§ 26-21a-203. Department rulemaking authority.  

Latest version.
  •      The department shall make rules under Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act:
    (1) establishing quality assurance standards for all facilities performing screening or diagnostic mammography and developing mammogram x-ray films, including procedures for clinical follow-up of abnormal mammograms;
    (2) providing for:
    (a) collection and periodic reporting of mammography examinations and clinical follow-up data to the department;
    (b) certification and revocation of certification of mammogram facilities;
    (c) inspection of mammogram facilities, including entry of agents of the department into the facilities for inspections;
    (d) setting fees for certification; and
    (e) an appeal process regarding department certification decisions; and
    (3) the following information may be included in mammography results sent to a patient with dense breast tissue:
         "Mammography is the only breast cancer screening examination which has been shown in multiple randomized clinical trials to reduce death rate from breast cancer. However, it is not a perfect test, specifically in women with dense breast tissue. Because your mammogram demonstrates that you have dense breast tissue, you may benefit from supplementary screening tests, depending on your personal risk factors and family history. Although other screening tests may find additional cancers, they may not necessarily increase survival. Nevertheless, you should discuss your mammography results with your health care provider. A copy of your mammography report has been sent to your health care provider's office. Please contact your health care provider if you have any questions or concerns about this notice."
Amended by Chapter 338, 2012 General Session