§ 30-3-16.3. Contents of petition.  

Latest version.
  •      The petition for conciliation shall state:
    (1) A controversy exists between the spouses and request the aid of the court to effect a reconciliation or an amicable settlement of the controversy.
    (2) The name and age of each child under the age of 17 years whose welfare may be affected by the controversy.
    (3) The name and address of the petitioner or the names and addresses of the petitioners.
    (4) If the petition is filed by one spouse only, the name and address of the other spouse as a respondent.
    (5) The name, as a respondent, of any other person who has any relation to the controversy and, if known to the petitioners, the address of such person.
    (6) Such other information as the court may by rule require.
Enacted by Chapter 72, 1969 General Session