§ 31A-30-114. Disclosure.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A covered carrier shall make the information described in Subsection (2) available:
    (a) to:
    (i) a small employer; or
    (ii) an individual; and
    (i) at the time of solicitation; or
    (ii) upon the request of:
    (A) a small employer; or
    (B) an individual;
    (c) as part of the covered carrier's solicitation and sales materials.
    (2) The following information is required to be disclosed or made available under Subsection (1):
    (a) the provisions of the coverage concerning the covered carrier's right to change premium rates; and
    (b) the factors that may effect changes in premium rates;
    (c) the provisions of the coverage relating to renewability of coverage; and
    (d) the provisions of the coverage relating to any preexisting condition exclusion.
Enacted by Chapter 308, 2002 General Session