§ 32B-1-306. Use of information from a criminal background check.  

Latest version.
  •      The commission or department may use information obtained pursuant to Section 32B-1-305 only for one or more of the following purposes:
    (1) enforcing this title;
    (2) determining whether an individual is convicted of any of the following offenses that disqualify the individual under this title from acting in a capacity described in Subsection 32B-1-305(2):
    (a) a felony under federal law or state law;
    (b) a violation of a federal law, state law, or local ordinance concerning the sale, offer for sale, warehousing, manufacture, distribution, transportation, or adulteration of an alcoholic product;
    (c) a crime involving moral turpitude; or
    (d) on two or more occasions within the previous five years, driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or the combined influence of alcohol and drugs;
    (3) determining whether an individual fails to accurately disclose the individual's criminal history on an application or document filed with the department or commission;
    (4) approving or denying an application for employment with the department;
    (5) taking disciplinary action against a department employee, including possible termination of employment;
    (6) issuing or denying an application to operate a package agency;
    (7) issuing or denying an application for a license;
    (8) issuing or denying the renewal of a package agency agreement;
    (9) issuing or denying the renewal of a license;
    (10) suspending the operation of a package agency;
    (11) terminating a package agency contract; or
    (12) suspending or revoking a license.
Amended by Chapter 307, 2011 General Session