§ 35A-2-101. Economic service areas -- Creation.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) The executive director shall establish economic service areas to furnish the services described in Section 35A-2-201.
    (b) In establishing economic service areas, the executive director shall seek input from:
    (i) state and local government agencies and departments;
    (ii) the groups representing public employees;
    (iii) employers, business, education, and other entities affected by the structure of the economic service areas; and
    (iv) the general public.
    (2) In establishing the economic service areas, the executive director shall consider:
    (a) areas comprised of multiple counties;
    (b) the alignment of transportation and other infrastructure or services;
    (c) the interdependence of the economy within a geographic area;
    (d) the ability to develop regional marketing and economic development programs;
    (e) the labor market areas;
    (f) the population of the area, as established in the most recent estimate by the Utah Population Estimates Committee;
    (g) the number of individuals in the previous year receiving:
    (i) services under Chapter 3, Employment Support Act; and
    (ii) benefits under Chapter 4, Employment Security Act; and
    (h) other factors that relate to the management of the programs administered or that relate to the delivery of services provided under this title.
Amended by Chapter 188, 2011 General Session