§ 35A-2-202. Employment counselors -- Specialization -- Employment plan.  

Latest version.
  • (1) One or more employment counselors shall be employed at each employment center of an economic service area established under Section 35A-2-101.
    (2) A client shall be assigned one employment counselor unless a client:
    (a) needs only limited services under this title for which expedited procedures are appropriate; or
    (b) receives diversion assistance under Section 35A-3-303.
    (3) An employment counselor shall:
    (a) develop an employment plan jointly with the client; and
    (b) coordinate any services provided, brokered, or contracted for by the department to that client.
    (4) The employment counselor assigned to a client may be selected because of the employment counselor's experience or knowledge in the benefits or services available under the title that best meet the specific needs of the client and the employment counselor's skills in working with groups of clients to develop plans leading to self-sufficiency.
    (a) An employment counselor shall be:
    (i) trained in the requirements of and benefits or services provided through employment centers in at least one of the following:
    (A)Chapter 3, Employment Support Act; and
    (B)Chapter 5, Training and Workforce Improvement Act;
    (ii) capable of:
    (A) conducting an effective assessment;
    (B) negotiating an employment plan; and
    (C) providing the necessary encouragement and support to a client; and
    (iii) knowledgeable of:
    (A) department policies;
    (B) relevant law;
    (C) current labor market conditions;
    (D) education and training programs for adults; and
    (E) services and supports available in the community.
    (b) At the discretion of the director of an economic service area, an employment counselor may receive special training in the requirements of or providing services under the statutes listed in Subsection (5)(a)(i).
    (a) A client employment plan may include:
    (i) services and support necessary for stabilization;
    (ii) assessment and training; and
    (iii) placement.
    (b) The client employment plan shall consider the job opportunities available to the client based on the job market.
    (c) The client employment plan shall be outcome-focused.
    (7) If a client seeks cash assistance under Chapter 3, Employment Support Act, the assignment of an employment counselor and the creation and implementation of an employment plan shall be consistent with Section 35A-3-304.
Amended by Chapter 188, 2011 General Session