§ 35A-3-207. Community-based prevention programs.

Latest version.
  • (1) As used in this section:
    (a) "political subdivision" means a town, city, county, or school district;
    (b) "qualified sponsor" means a:
    (i) political subdivision;
    (ii) community nonprofit, religious, or charitable organization;
    (iii) regional or statewide nonprofit organization; or
    (iv) private for profit or nonprofit child care organization with experience and expertise in operating community-based prevention programs described in Subsection (2) and that are licensed under Title 62A, Chapter 2, Licensure of Programs and Facilities.
    (2) Within appropriations from the Legislature, the department may provide grants to qualified sponsors for community-based prevention programs that:
    (a) support parents in their primary care giving role to children;
    (b) provide positive alternatives to idleness for school-aged children when school is not in session; and
    (c) support other community-based prevention programs.
    (3) In awarding grants under this section, the department shall:
    (a) request proposals for funding from potential qualified sponsors; and
    (b) comply with the requirements of Subsection (4).
    (4) In awarding these grants, the department shall ensure that each dollar of funds from political subdivisions or private funds is matched for each dollar received from the department. The value of in-kind contributions such as materials, supplies, paid labor, volunteer labor, and the incremental increase in building maintenance and operation expenses incurred attributable to the prevention program may be considered in meeting this match requirement.
    (5) In awarding a grant under this section, the department shall consider:
    (a) the cash portion of the proposed match in relation to the financial resources of the qualified sponsor; and
    (b) the extent to which the qualified sponsor has:
    (i) consulted and collaborated with parents of children who are likely to participate, local parent-teacher organizations, and other parent organizations;
    (ii) identified at risk factors that will be ameliorated through the proposed prevention program;
    (iii) identified protective factors and developmental assets that will be supported and strengthened through the proposed prevention program; and
    (iv) the financial support of parents and the organizations specified in Subsection (5)(b)(i).
    (6) At least 50 percent of the grants awarded under this section shall be awarded to organizations described in Subsection (1)(b)(iv).
    (7) No federal funds shall be used as matching funds under this act.
Amended by Chapter 167, 2013 General Session
Amended by Chapter 413, 2013 General Session