§ 35A-3-308. Adoption services -- Printed information -- Supports provided.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The division may provide assistance under this section to a client who is pregnant and is not receiving cash assistance no sooner than the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy.
    (2) For pregnant clients, the division shall:
    (a) refer the client for appropriate prenatal medical care, including maternal health services provided under Title 26, Chapter 10, Family Health Services;
    (b) inform the client of free counseling about adoption from licensed child placement agencies and licensed attorneys; and
    (c) offer the client the adoption information packet described in Subsection (3).
    (3) The department shall publish an adoption information packet that:
    (a) is easy to understand;
    (b) contains geographically indexed materials on the public and private organizations that provide adoption assistance;
    (c) lists the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of licensed child placement agencies and licensed attorneys who place children for adoption;
    (d) explains that private adoption is legal and that the law permits adoptive parents to reimburse the costs of prenatal care, childbirth, neonatal care, and other expenses related to pregnancy; and
    (e) describes the services and supports available to the client under this section.
    (a) A client remains eligible for assistance under this section, even though the client relinquishes a child for adoption, provided that the adoption is in accordance with Sections 78B-6-120 through 78B-6-122.
    (b) The assistance provided under this section may include:
    (i) reimbursement for expenses associated with care and confinement during pregnancy as provided for in Subsection (5); and
    (ii) for a maximum of 12 months from the date of relinquishment, coordination of services to assist the client in:
    (A) receiving appropriate educational and occupational assessment and planning;
    (B) enrolling in appropriate education or training programs, including high school completion and adult education programs;
    (C) enrolling in programs that provide assistance with job readiness, employment counseling, finding employment, and work skills;
    (D) finding suitable housing;
    (E) receiving medical assistance, under Title 26, Chapter 18, Medical Assistance Act, if the client is otherwise eligible; and
    (F) receiving counseling and other mental health services.
    (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), a client is eligible to receive an amount equal to the maximum monthly amount of cash assistance paid to one person for up to 12 consecutive months from the date of relinquishment.
    (b) If a client is otherwise eligible to receive cash assistance under this part, the client is eligible to receive an amount equal to the increase in cash assistance the client would have received but for the relinquishment for up to 12 consecutive months from the date of relinquishment.
    (a) To be eligible for assistance under this section, a client shall:
    (i) with the cooperation of the division, develop and implement an employment plan containing goals for achieving self-sufficiency and describing the action the client will take concerning education and training that will result in full-time employment;
    (ii) if the client does not have a high school diploma, enroll in high school or an alternative to high school and demonstrate progress toward graduation; and
    (iii) make a good faith effort to meet the goals of the employment plan as provided in Section 35A-3-304.
    (b) Cash assistance provided to a client before the client relinquishes a child for adoption is part of the state plan.
    (c) Assistance provided under Subsection (5):
    (i) shall be provided for with state funds; and
    (ii) may not be tolled when determining subsequent eligibility for cash assistance under this chapter.
    (d) The time limit provisions of Section 35A-3-306 apply to cash assistance provided under the state plan.
    (e) The division shall monitor a client's compliance with this section.
    (f) Except for Subsection (6)(b), Subsections (2) through (6) are excluded from the state plan.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session