§ 39-1-3. Governor commander in chief -- Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  •      The governor by virtue of his office shall be commander in chief of the National Guard and of the unorganized militia, and of any portions of the unorganized militia which may hereafter be organized. He shall be empowered and authorized to issue all such orders, rules and regulations necessary to conform the Utah National Guard to Title 32 of the United States Code in its organization, government, discipline, maintenance, training, equipment, and regulations. He shall appoint and commission all officers and select all warrant officers, subject to the provisions of Title 32 of the United State Code; provided, that any such appointee failing to receive federal recognition after having been so notified by the National Guard Bureau, shall revert to status occupied before such appointment. He shall determine and fix the home station and location of the various units of the Utah National Guard. He shall provide armories, warehouses, maintenance and repair shops, hangars, small arms, artillery and aircraft ranges, campsites, concentration areas, training facilities, military reservations and arsenals as required for organizations of the Utah National Guard; and shall furnish suitable offices, or office space for regular army personnel assigned to duties with the Utah National Guard; the expenses of which may be paid out of the state military appropriations.
Amended by Chapter 22, 1989 General Session