§ 39-1-35. State employees in National Guard -- Care of dependents when called into service.  

Latest version.
  •      If the National Guard of this state is called into the service of the state, the state shall provide for the dependents of state employees who are enlisted members of the National Guard so called into service. The Board of Examiners shall cause an examination to be made into the merits of all cases of alleged dependency, and upon finding that any mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, wife, sister, brother or child of such member of the National Guard, or any or either of them, are dependent upon such member for support, the Board of Examiners shall determine the amount to be paid by the state to any such dependent, and shall cause the state auditor to draw his warrant on the state treasurer for such sum in favor of such specific and determined dependents, payable out of any amounts available for military purposes or for the maintenance and support of the National Guard. If there are not sufficient funds available to pay for the necessary support of all the dependents determined and specified by the board of examiners, the funds available shall be prorated among the dependents specified by the Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners in specifying the amounts to be paid to such dependents may provide for a payment on a weekly or monthly basis and on such conditions as it may deem best in each particular case.
Amended by Chapter 174, 1981 General Session