§ 39-1-41.5. Authority of military court judges -- Payment of witnesses.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Judges of military courts may:
    (a) issue a warrant to arrest an accused person and bring him before the court for trial, when the person has failed to obey a prior summons to appear before the court, and a copy of the charge or information has been delivered to the accused with the summons;
    (b) issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum, and enforce by attachment the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers;
    (c) sentence for a refusal to be sworn or to answer as provided in actions before civil courts; and
    (d) issue process in any county within the state.
    (2) Witnesses shall be paid in the same manner as in district courts.
Amended by Chapter 198, 1996 General Session