§ 41-1a-1010. Permit required to dismantle vehicle -- Duties upon receiving the permit -- Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) A person may not scrap, dismantle, destroy, or otherwise change any vehicle so that it loses its character, until the person submits to the division:
    (i) the certificate of title for the vehicle for cancellation; and
    (ii) an application for a permit to dismantle the vehicle.
    (b) Upon approval of the application, the division shall issue a permit to dismantle the vehicle.
    (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), if a permit to dismantle is issued under this section, the vehicle shall be destroyed and may not be rebuilt or reconstructed and may not be retitled or registered.
    (3) A vehicle for which a permit to dismantle has been issued by the division may be retitled and the permit to dismantle rescinded if:
    (a) prior to receiving a dismantling permit the vehicle had a Utah certificate of title;
    (b) the vehicle has not been dismantled;
    (c) an investigator for the Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division of the commission determines after a physical inspection of the vehicle that it is the same vehicle for which the permit to dismantle was issued; and
    (d) the applicant pays the fee under Subsection (4).
    (4) The commission may collect a fee established in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 to cover the expenses of an inspection under Subsection (3).
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session