§ 41-6a-2002. Definitions. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  •      As used in this section:
    (1) "Automatic license plate reader system" means a system of one or more mobile or fixed automated high-speed cameras used in combination with computer algorithms to convert an image of a license plate into computer-readable data.
    (2) "Captured plate data" means the global positioning system coordinates, date and time, photograph, license plate number, and any other data captured by or derived from an automatic license plate reader system.
    (a) "Governmental entity" means:
    (i) executive department agencies of the state;
    (ii) the offices of the governor, the lieutenant governor, the state auditor, the attorney general, and the state treasurer;
    (iii) the Board of Pardons and Parole;
    (iv) the Board of Examiners;
    (v) the National Guard;
    (vi) the Career Service Review Office;
    (vii) the State Board of Education;
    (viii) the State Board of Regents;
    (ix) the State Archives;
    (x) the Office of the Legislative Auditor General;
    (xi) the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst;
    (xii) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel;
    (xiii) the Legislature;
    (xiv) legislative committees, except any political party, group, caucus, or rules or sifting committee of the Legislature;
    (xv) courts, the Judicial Council, the Office of the Court Administrator, and similar administrative units in the judicial branch;
    (xvi) any state-funded institution of higher education or public education; or
    (xvii) any political subdivision of the state.
    (b) "Governmental entity" includes:
    (i) every office, agency, board, bureau, committee, department, advisory board, or commission of an entity listed in Subsections (3)(a)(i) through (xvii) that is funded or established by the government to carry out the public's business; or
    (ii) a person acting as an agent of a governmental entity or acting on behalf of a governmental entity.
    (4) "Secured area" means an area, enclosed by clear boundaries, to which access is limited and not open to the public and entry is only obtainable through specific access-control points.
Amended by Chapter 276, 2014 General Session