Part 6. Procedures and Records  

§ 49-11-601. Payment of employer contributions -- Penalties for failure to comply -- Adjustments to be made. (Effective 5/13/2014)
§ 49-11-602. Participating employer to maintain records -- Time limit -- Penalties for failure to comply.
§ 49-11-603. Participating employer to report and certify -- Time limit -- Penalties for failure to comply. (Effective 3/3/2014)
§ 49-11-604. Office audits of participating employers -- Penalties for failure to comply.
§ 49-11-605. Notification and correction of violations.
§ 49-11-606. Full participation.
§ 49-11-607. Determination of benefits -- Errors in records or calculations -- Correction of errors by the office.
§ 49-11-608. False statements or records -- Unlawfully cashing benefit checks.
§ 49-11-609. Beneficiary designations -- Revocation of beneficiary designation -- Procedure -- Beneficiary not designated -- Payment to survivors in order established under the Uniform Probate Code -- Restrictions on payment -- Payment of deceased's expenses.
§ 49-11-610. Benefits payable in name of beneficiary -- Delivery. (Effective 3/3/2014)
§ 49-11-611. Benefits and money in the fund exempt from taxation -- Exceptions.
§ 49-11-612. Domestic relations order benefits -- Nonassignability of benefits or payments -- Exemption from legal process.
§ 49-11-613. Appeals procedure -- Right of appeal to hearing officer -- Board reconsideration -- Judicial review.
§ 49-11-614. Vesting on termination of system or plan.
§ 49-11-615. Election to grandfather -- Applicability of provisions.
§ 49-11-616. Benefits information.
§ 49-11-617. Original documents.
§ 49-11-618. Members and beneficiaries subject to chapter -- Furnishing of information -- Confidentiality of information.
§ 49-11-619. Permanent relinquishment of benefit -- Procedure.
§ 49-11-620. Closing the retirement account -- Status of retirees and beneficiaries.
§ 49-11-621. Change in employer -- Eligibility for retirement.
§ 49-11-622. Subsidiaries or other companies owned by independent corporations -- Participation -- Withdrawal.
§ 49-11-623. Withdrawing entity -- Participation election date -- Withdrawal costs -- Rulemaking. (Effective 5/13/2014)