§ 53-2a-307. Requests for disaster assistance or assistance with an authorized drill or exercise.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The state or a participating political subdivision may request another participating political subdivision to assist:
    (a) in preventing, mitigating, responding to, or recovering from a disaster, if the requesting political subdivision declares a local emergency or the state has declared a state of emergency; or
    (b) with a drill or exercise that the state or requesting political subdivision has authorized.
    (2) Each request under Subsection (1) shall be:
    (a) made by the chief executive officer of the state or participating political subdivision or the officer's designee; and
    (b) reported as soon as practical to the director.
    (a) A request under Subsection (1) may be communicated orally or in writing.
    (b) Each request communicated orally shall be reduced to writing and delivered to the other participating political subdivision:
    (i) as soon as practical; or
    (ii) within the number of days specified by the director.
    (4) In responding to a request under Subsection (1), a responding political subdivision may:
    (a) donate assets of any kind to a requesting political subdivision; and
    (b) withhold its resources to the extent necessary to provide reasonable protection and services for its own residents.
    (5) The emergency response personnel, equipment, and other assets of a responding political subdivision or the state shall be under the operational control of the incident management system of the state or requesting political subdivision, except to the extent that the exercise of operational control would result in a violation of a policy, standard, procedure, or protocol of the responding political subdivision or of the state.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 295, 2013 General Session