§ 53-6-208. Inactive certificates -- Lapse of certificate -- Reinstatement. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) The certificate of a peace officer who has not been actively engaged in performing the duties as a certified and sworn peace officer for 18 consecutive months or more, but less than four consecutive years, is designated "inactive."
    (b) A peace officer whose certificate is inactive shall pass the certification examination and a physical fitness test before the certificate may be reissued or reinstated.
    (a) The certificate of a peace officer who has not been actively engaged in performing the duties as a certified and sworn peace officer for four continuous years or more is designated as "lapsed."
    (b) A peace officer whose certificate is lapsed shall pass the basic training course at a certified academy, the certification examination, and a physical fitness test before the certificate may be reissued or reinstated.
Amended by Chapter 246, 2014 General Session