§ 53A-1-403.5. Education of persons in custody of the Utah Department of Corrections -- Contracting for services -- Recidivism reduction plan -- Collaboration among state agencies.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The State Board of Education and the Utah Department of Corrections, subject to legislative appropriation, are responsible for the education of persons in the custody of the Utah Department of Corrections.
    (a) To fulfill the responsibility under Subsection (1), the State Board of Education and the Utah Department of Corrections shall, where feasible, contract with appropriate private or public agencies to provide educational and related administrative services. Contracts for postsecondary education and training shall be under Subsection (2)(b).
    (i) The contract under Subsection (2)(a) to provide postsecondary education and training shall be with a community college if the correctional facility is located within the service region of a community college, except under Subsection (2)(b)(ii).
    (ii) If the community college under Subsection (2)(b)(i) declines to provide the education and training or cannot meet reasonable contractual terms for providing the education and training as specified by the Utah Department of Corrections, postsecondary education and training under Subsection (2)(a) may be procured through other appropriate private or public agencies.
    (a) As its corrections education program, the State Board of Education and the Utah Department of Corrections shall develop and implement a recidivism reduction plan, including the following components:
    (i) inmate assessment;
    (ii) cognitive problem-solving skills;
    (iii) basic literacy skills;
    (iv) career skills;
    (v) job placement;
    (vi) postrelease tracking and support;
    (vii) research and evaluation;
    (viii) family involvement and support; and
    (ix) multiagency collaboration.
    (b) The plan shall be developed and implemented through the State Office of Education and the Utah Department of Corrections in collaboration with the following entities:
    (i) the State Board of Regents;
    (ii) the Utah College of Applied Technology Board of Trustees;
    (iii) local boards of education;
    (iv) the Department of Workforce Services;
    (v) the Department of Human Services;
    (vi) the Board of Pardons and Parole;
    (vii) the State Office of Rehabilitation; and
    (viii) the Governor's Office.
    (4) By July 1, 2014, and every three years thereafter, the Utah Department of Corrections shall make a report to the Education Interim Committee and the Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Interim Committee evaluating the impact of corrections education programs on recidivism.
Amended by Chapter 23, 2012 General Session