§ 53A-1-409. Competency-based education -- Recommendations -- Coordination.  

Latest version.
  • (1) As used in this section:
    (a) "Competency" means a demonstrable acquisition of a specified knowledge, skill, or ability that has been organized into a hierarchical arrangement leading to higher levels of knowledge, skill, or ability.
    (b) "Competency-based education" means an education approach that requires a student to acquire a competency and includes a classroom structure and operation that aid and facilitate the acquisition of specified competencies on an individual basis wherein a student is allowed to master and demonstrate competencies as fast as the student is able.
    (c) "Gain score" means the measured difference of a student's score at the beginning and end of a time period that may be aggregated at the class, grade, school, and school district levels.
    (2) The State Board of Education shall:
    (a) provide expertise to and consult with local school boards, school districts, and charter schools relating to competency-based education and progress-based assessments;
    (b) before the beginning of the 2014 General Session of the Legislature, make recommendations to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee, including the amount and allocation of public education money, based upon both new public education money and the reallocation of money required to develop and implement:
    (i) competency-based education and progress-based assessments;
    (A) a weighted competency unit that distributes public education money based on student achievement resulting from competency-based program objectives, strategies, and standards; and
    (B) a course-level funding formula that distributes funds to school districts and charter schools that establish competency-based education;
    (iii) a plan to assist students, teachers, schools, and districts that need remediation based upon Subsections (2)(b)(i) and (ii);
    (iv) the reallocation of teaching resources from noncore electives into grades 1-3, 7-12 math, and 7-12 English; and
    (v) a teacher development program focused on achieving progress in core academics, including instruction in explicit, systematic, and intensive phonics for teachers in grades kindergarten through 3;
    (c) assist school districts and charter schools to develop and implement:
    (i) competency-based education; and
    (ii) the use of gain scores; and
    (d) develop and use monetary and nonmonetary incentives, tools, and rewards to encourage school districts and charter schools to accomplish the items described under this section.
    (3) A funding formula described in Subsection (2)(b)(ii)(B) shall:
    (a) base the funding for a competency-based course on a proportionate amount of the weighted pupil unit;
    (b) partially distribute funds based on initial enrollment;
    (c) distribute remaining funds based on a student's successful completion of a course through demonstrated competency and subject mastery; and
    (d) not be dependent on the amount of time a student is instructed in the course or the age of the student.
    (4) A local school board or a charter school governing board may establish a competency-based education program.
    (5) A local school board or charter school governing board that establishes a competency-based education program shall:
    (a) establish assessments to accurately measure competency;
    (b) provide the assessments to an enrolled student at no cost to the student;
    (c) award credit to a student who demonstrates competency and subject mastery;
    (d) submit the competency-based curriculum standards to the State Board of Education for review; and
    (e) publish the competency-based curriculum standards on its website or by other electronic means readily accessible to the public.
    (6) A local school board or charter school governing board may:
    (a) on a random lottery-based basis, limit enrollment to courses that have been designated as competency-based courses;
    (b) waive or adapt traditional attendance requirements;
    (c) adjust class sizes to maximize the value of course instructors or course mentors;
    (d) enroll students from any geographic location within the state; and
    (e) provide proctored online competency-based assessments.
Amended by Chapter 398, 2013 General Session