§ 53A-1-613. Online test preparation program.

Latest version.
  • (1) The State Board of Education shall contract with a provider, selected through a request for proposals process, to provide an online program to prepare students to take the college admissions test that includes an assessment of language arts, mathematics, and science that is most commonly submitted to local universities.
    (2) An online test preparation program described in Subsection (1):
    (i) shall allow a student to independently access online materials and learn at the student's own pace; and
    (ii) may be used to provide classroom and teacher-assisted instruction;
    (b) shall provide online study materials, diagnostic exams, drills, and practice tests in an approach that is engaging to high school students;
    (c) shall enable electronic reporting of student progress to administrators, teachers, parents, and other facilitators;
    (d) shall record a student's progress in an online dashboard that provides diagnostic assessment of the content areas tested and identifies mastery of corresponding skill sets; and
    (e) shall provide training and professional development to personnel in school districts and charter schools on how to utilize the online test preparation program and provide teacher-assisted instruction to students.
    (3) To be eligible to administer a college admissions test provided by the State Board of Education from funds appropriated for college readiness assessments, a school district or charter school shall:
    (a) promote the use of the online test preparation program; and
    (b) inform parents and students of the availability of, and how to access and use, the online test preparation program.
    (4) The State Board of Education, school districts, and charter schools shall make the online test preparation program available to a student:
    (a) beginning in the 2013-14 school year; and
    (b) for at least one full year, except a student in grade 11 in the 2013-14 school year shall have access to the online test preparation program as soon as the program can be made operational.
Enacted by Chapter 161, 2013 General Session