§ 53A-11-103. Duties of a school board, local charter board, or school district in resolving attendance problems -- Parental involvement -- Liability not imposed.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), a local school board, local charter board, or school district shall make efforts to resolve the school attendance problems of each school-age minor who is, or should be, enrolled in the school district.
    (b) A minor exempt from school attendance under Section 53A-11-102 or 53A-11-102.5 is not considered to be a minor who is or should be enrolled in a school district or charter school under Subsection (1)(a).
    (2) The efforts described in Subsection (1) shall include, as reasonably feasible:
    (a) counseling of the minor by school authorities;
    (b) issuing a notice of truancy to a school-age minor who is at least 12 years old, in accordance with Section 53A-11-101.7;
    (c) issuing a habitual truant citation, in accordance with Section 53A-11-101.7;
    (d) issuing a notice of compulsory education violation to a parent of a school-age child, in accordance with Section 53A-11-101.5;
    (e) making any necessary adjustment to the curriculum and schedule to meet special needs of the minor;
    (f) considering alternatives proposed by a parent;
    (g) monitoring school attendance of the minor;
    (h) voluntary participation in truancy mediation, if available; and
    (i) providing a school-age minor's parent, upon request, with a list of resources available to assist the parent in resolving the school-age minor's attendance problems.
    (3) In addition to the efforts described in Subsection (2), the local school board, local charter board, or school district may enlist the assistance of community and law enforcement agencies as appropriate and reasonably feasible.
    (4) This section shall not impose any civil liability on boards of education, local school boards, local charter boards, school districts, or their employees.
    (5) Proceedings initiated under this part do not obligate or preclude action by the Division of Child and Family Services under Section 78A-6-319.
Amended by Chapter 203, 2012 General Session