§ 53A-12-205. Free textbook system.  

Latest version.
  • (1) If a local school board considers it desirable or necessary, or if the board is petitioned by two-thirds of those voting in the district, it shall provide free textbooks to all pupils in the schools under its charge.
    (2) Books purchased under this section shall be paid for out of the funds of the district.
    (3) The board shall assure that sufficient funds are raised and set aside for this purpose.
    (4) A board that has adopted the free textbook system shall terminate the system if petitioned by two-thirds of those voting in an election conducted for that purpose vote to terminate the system.
    (5) The board may not act upon a petition to terminate the free textbook system during a period of four years after the system is adopted.
    (6) The board may not reinstitute a free textbook system until four years after its termination.
Enacted by Chapter 2, 1988 General Session