§ 53A-24-114. Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.

Latest version.
  • (1) There is created the Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
    (a) The State Board of Education shall appoint at least 12 members to the committee.
    (b) The State Board of Education shall ensure that the committee includes members from the public and private sectors who represent:
    (i) business and industry;
    (ii) individuals with disabilities and their advocates;
    (iii) job training and placement;
    (iv) administrative subunits of the state, such as the Department of Human Resource Management, the Department of Workforce Services, Public Education, Higher Education, and the Department of Human Services;
    (v) labor;
    (vi) veterans;
    (vii) medical;
    (viii) health;
    (ix) insurance;
    (x) media; and
    (xi) the general public.
    (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c)(ii), the State Board of Education shall appoint committee members to serve four-year terms.
    (ii) In making the initial appointments to the committee, the State Board of Education shall appoint approximately 1/2 of the members to two-year terms and 1/2 of the members to four-year terms.
    (d) Committee members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
    (e) The State Board of Education shall fill any vacancy that occurs on the committee for any reason by appointing a person according to the procedures of this section for the unexpired term of the vacated member.
    (f) The State Board of Education shall select a chair from the membership.
    (g) Seven members of the committee are a quorum for the transaction of business.
    (a) The committee shall:
    (i) promote employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities;
    (ii) serve as the designated state liaison to the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities;
    (iii) provide training and technical assistance to employers in implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act;
    (iv) develop and disseminate appropriate information through workshops, meetings, and other requests in response to needs to employers and others regarding employment of individuals with disabilities;
    (v) establish contacts with various community representatives to identify and resolve barriers to full participation in employment and community life;
    (vi) formally recognize exemplary contributions in the areas of employment, job placement, training, rehabilitation, support services, medicine, media or public relations, and personal achievements made by individuals with disabilities;
    (vii) advise, encourage, and motivate individuals with disabilities who are preparing for or seeking employment to reach their full potential as qualified employees;
    (viii) advocate for policies and practices that promote full and equal rights for individuals with disabilities;
    (ix) advise the State Board of Education and the governor on issues that affect employment and other requests for information on disability issues;
    (x) prepare an annual report on the progress, accomplishments, and future goals of the committee and present the report to the State Board of Education and the governor; and
    (xi) establish and maintain a cooperative liaison between the governor's office, the executive director of the committee, and the executive director of the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation to fulfill the committee's purpose.
    (b) The committee may, by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, receive and accept federal funds, and may receive and accept state funds, private gifts, donations, and funds from any source to carry out its purposes.
    (4) The director of the State Office of Rehabilitation shall appoint a person to staff the committee.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session