§ 53A-6-104.5. Licensing by competency.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A competency-based license to teach may be issued based on the demonstrated competence of a teacher as provided in this section.
    (2) A local school board or charter school may request, and the State Board of Education shall grant, upon receipt of documentation from the local school board or charter school verifying the person's qualifications as specified in this section, a competency-based license to a person who meets the qualifications specified in this section and Section 53A-6-401.
    (3) A local school board or charter school may request a competency-based license if the candidate meets the following qualifications:
    (a) a license candidate who teaches one or more core academic subjects in an elementary school shall:
    (i) hold at least a bachelor's degree; and
    (ii) have demonstrated, by passing a rigorous state test, subject knowledge and teaching skills in reading, writing, mathematics, and other areas of the basic elementary school curriculum;
    (b) a license candidate who teaches one or more core academic subjects in a middle or secondary school shall:
    (i) hold at least a bachelor's degree; and
    (ii) have demonstrated a high level of competency in each of the academic subjects in which the teacher teaches by:
    (A) passing a rigorous state academic subject test in each of the academic subjects in which the teacher teaches; or
    (B) successful completion, in each of the academic subjects in which the teacher teaches, of an academic major, a graduate degree, course work equivalent to an undergraduate academic major, or advanced certification or credentialing; or
    (c) a license candidate who teaches subjects other than a core academic subject in an elementary, middle, or high school shall:
    (i) hold a bachelor's degree, associate's degree, or skill certification; and
    (ii) have skills, talents, or abilities, as evaluated by the employing entity, that make the person suited for the teaching position.
    (4) A school district or charter school:
    (a) shall monitor and assess the performance of each teacher holding a competency-based license; and
    (b) may recommend that the competency-based license holder's training and assessment be reviewed by the Utah State Office of Education for a level 1 license.
Amended by Chapter 19, 2004 General Session