§ 58-55-303. Term of license -- Expiration -- Renewal.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Each license issued under this chapter shall be issued in accordance with a two-year renewal cycle established by rule.
    (b) The division may by rule extend or shorten a renewal period by as much as one year to stagger the renewal cycle it administers.
    (i) Notwithstanding a renewal cycle under Subsection (1)(a) or (b), notwithstanding Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, and subject to Subsection (1)(c)(ii), a license is automatically suspended 60 days after the licensee:
    (A) becomes, after the time of licensing, an unincorporated entity that is subject to the ownership status report filing requirements of Subsection 58-55-302(10)(a)(i); or
    (B) transfers its license to an unincorporated entity that is subject to the ownership status report filing requirements of Subsection 58-55-302(10)(a)(i).
    (ii) An automatic suspension does not occur under Subsection (1)(c)(i) if, before the expiration of the 60-day period in Subsection (1)(c)(i):
    (A) the licensee submits an application for renewal of the license; and
    (B) the division renews the licensee's license pursuant to the licensee's application for renewal.
    (iii) Within 30 days after the effective date of a suspension under Subsection (1)(c)(i), the commission shall, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, make a final determination concerning the suspension.
    (2) At the time of renewal, the licensee shall show satisfactory evidence of:
    (a) continuing financial responsibility as required under Section 58-55-306;
    (b) for a contractor licensee, completion of six hours of approved continuing education, as required in Section 58-55-302.5; and
    (c) if the licensee is an apprentice electrician or plumber, journeyman electrician or plumber, master electrician or plumber, residential journeyman electrician or plumber, or residential master electrician or plumber, completion of the number of hours of continuing education specified under Section 58-55-302.7.
    (3) Each license automatically expires on the expiration date shown on the license unless the licensee renews the license in accordance with Section 58-1-308.
    (4) The requirements of Subsection 58-55-302(9) shall also apply to applicants seeking to renew or reinstate a license.
    (5) In addition to any other requirements imposed by law, if a license has been suspended or revoked for any reason, the applicant:
    (a) shall pay in full all fines imposed by the division;
    (b) resolve any outstanding citations or disciplinary actions with the division;
    (c) satisfy any Section 58-55-503 judgment and sentence or nontrial resolution;
    (d) complete a new financial responsibility review as required under Section 58-55-306, using only titled assets; and
    (e) pay in full any reimbursement amount as provided in Title 38, Chapter 11, Residence Lien Restriction and Lien Recovery Fund Act.
Amended by Chapter 57, 2013 General Session