§ 58-55-308.1. Definitions -- Installation of natural gas facilities -- Scope of practice. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1) As used in this section:
    (a) "Gas corporation" is as defined in Section 54-2-1.
    (b) "Minimum system" means the minimum natural gas facilities necessary to serve each intended consumer, as determined by a gas corporation.
    (i) "Natural gas facilities" means:
    (A) one or more natural gas mains;
    (B) one or more natural gas service lines; or
    (C) a combination of Subsections (1)(c)(i)(A) and (B); and
    (ii) "Natural gas facilities" includes any necessary appurtenant facilities.
    (i) "Natural gas main" means a natural gas distribution pipeline that delivers natural gas to another natural gas distribution supply line or to a natural gas service line.
    (ii) "Natural gas main" does not include a natural gas service line.
    (e) "Natural gas service line" means a natural gas pipeline that carries natural gas from a natural gas main to a meter for use by the ultimate consumer.
    (f) "Natural gas tariff specifications" means the standards and specifications:
    (i) for the construction of natural gas facilities; and
    (ii) that are:
    (A) established by a gas corporation; and
    (B) included in the gas corporation's tariff that is approved by the Public Service Commission.
    (g) "Qualifying installer" means a person who:
    (i) a gas corporation approves to install natural gas facilities; and
    (ii) is:
    (A) licensed under this chapter; and
    (B) authorized to install natural gas facilities within the person's scope of practice as established by statute or administrative rule.
    (2) A qualifying installer may install natural gas facilities.
    (a) Except as provided in Subsections (3)(b) and (c), a qualifying installer shall pay the costs to install natural gas facilities.
    (b) A gas corporation shall pay the costs of the following services related to natural gas facilities installed by a qualifying installer:
    (i) engineering;
    (ii) inspection;
    (iii) mapping; and
    (iv) locating.
    (c) If a gas corporation requires a qualifying installer to install natural gas facilities that are greater than the minimum system, the gas corporation shall pay any difference in cost between the required natural gas facilities and the minimum system.
    (4) A gas corporation shall inspect and test natural gas facilities that a qualifying installer installs to verify that the natural gas facilities comply with applicable federal, state, and local law and natural gas tariff specifications.
    (5) A gas corporation is not required to supply natural gas to or accept ownership of natural gas facilities until the gas corporation completes all necessary inspections and testing to verify that the natural gas facilities have been installed and tested in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local law and natural gas tariff specifications.
Enacted by Chapter 326, 2014 General Session