§ 58-67-702. Opiate antagonist -- Exclusion from unlawful or unprofessional conduct. (Effective 5/13/2014)

Latest version.
  • (1)Title 26, Chapter 55, Emergency Administration of Opiate Antagonist Act, applies to a licensee under this chapter.
    (2) The prescribing or dispensing of an opiate antagonist as defined in Section 26-55-102 by a licensee under this chapter is not unprofessional or unlawful conduct if the licensee prescribed or dispensed the opiate antagonist in a good faith effort to assist:
    (a) a person who is at increased risk of experiencing or who is likely to experience an opiate-related drug overdose event as defined in Section 26-55-102; or
    (b) a family member of, friend of, or other person who is in a position to assist a person who may be at increased risk of experiencing or who is likely to experience an opiate-related drug overdose event.
    (3) The provisions of this section and Title 26, Chapter 55, Emergency Administration of Opiate Antagonist Act, do not establish a duty or standard of care in the prescribing, dispensing, or administration of an opiate antagonist.
Enacted by Chapter 130, 2014 General Session